Monday, September 30, 2013

Jacob Barnett, the next Einstein

Take a look at what makes this young man so special. I believe the moral of the story is to dream, believe that all is possible, and in this case, don't judge a book by its cover.

What do you think?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Take a look at this article. With the mudslides and flooding in  Colorado, it's surprising to see that our first res ponders included in their plans to rescue pets.

I know to some that this may be a waste of time and resources but as a dog owner myself, trust me, it makes all the difference in a disaster like this.  To lose everything is one thing but many individual consider their pets as part of the family. Losing the pet only makes things worse.

It's also a well know fact that animals help de-stress humans as well as provide a source of comfort-something much needed in a situation like this.

Thank you to our Rescue Workers who saved the citizens of Colorado and their Pets!

Monday, September 9, 2013


Welcome to my blog everybody! The reasoning for the name is because there are 86,400 seconds in a day. Any day can be our last;  would you be content if that day were today? How many seconds/minutes a day do we live with negativity? CNN has been covering Syria nonstop and the photos and videos of violence are graphic and heartbreaking. It seems like everywhere we look there is something negative going on. So, here is my blog which will be the total opposite. This is a place where we can look into the good things that are going on in our World. It's not a break from reality, it's just a reminder of what good really is out there. I hope you all enjoy!